Thursday, January 1, 2009

Life .........

Life in dictionary means in existence but it takes one's life to know life and finally he'll end it without knowing it properly.

"Life is a Big word to use when you are still in a learning stage." this is what people say usually when a person speaks about life.'Life is beautiful' somebody gave this quote really life is beautiful for those who makes it beautiful and lovable. In the day to day run we forget that we are here to live for a short time and we forget to make our life peaceful and sweet but few achieve it in a perfect way.

Common man wakes in the morning and ends his day in searching or arranging things and in this process of arrangement he first thinks of a partner after marrying a girl he feels happy he then thinks about having children. He lives and ends his life in arranging several necessities for them. He forgets himself when they grew and when they give a small baby.

This is the cyclical chain of every human being in this world. We run for several things and even we run for surviving because we love to live on this earth we love to stay back on this earth. Death the final truth makes us feel guilty and bad. We love life and we live life happily without thinking about the truth called death.

Few go for simple ways of living and few go in a different way making it big and even large if it is possible. These two kinds of people live their life but what matters here is your way of living if a person is living for himself in his own style that is the beauty of life. There are people who live in making their life beautiful like a Banker who turns into a Painter after returning back to his home, a student who turns into a writer, a Judge who turns into a singer and etc. These are the people who are enjoying their lives even in their day to day battle for food and several other things. We feel that we are lacking some skills or creativity in us and several students across the globe are running to business schools for this. But creativity is not a great thing it is a simple chemical change.

When a person meets several people he will deal people easily it means he got that skill because of traveling between several ideas in the same way creativity is a thought which develops new things which comes to a person when he observes and knows several things. So use your brains do something before you die. Try to achieve what your heart asks you to do. Live life like yourself. Be an example for yourself.
Don't count every hour in the day.Make every hour in your day count.
Enjoy living your life making sound happiness in and around, end it in silence.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

your pot was good. but i can't get one point, you said life is big word for person before he know about it. but do you know about it fully.